Thursday, August 19
pardon mi for this blog i'm blogging today... parental advisory is advised, the following message contains explicit context...
i'm feeling kind bitchy these days AGAIN... most probbably getting too much stuffs into my head these days...
irritators... pple who irritates the shit outta u... coincidently, i noe a couple of them... n 1 is my (close fren)'s close fren... pardon the pun... kinda hate her lor... n her voice is soo soo soo irritating, behaving like a auntie... talks crudely.... call one of my best fren on the eartn a chicken... wat the hell is that suppose to mean huh? then wat's she? a fuckable chicken? jus dissed mi off by everything she does, says n farts outta her mouth... wateva... shan't waste my efforts on such a uncouth being who's wasting oxygen on earth...
ps: end of explicit message...
hmmm... haben been blogging these days hor? can't blame mi, blame it on my com... giving mi troubles again... dunno if it's spyware, trojan horse or worms... jus blame it on my luck lor... also, been kinda busy wif icas too... yah, i noe dunch study but tinking of how to get minimal marks out of the maxim crap tt i gonna write is taxing k... lol...
had marketing management ica on monday... i am so gonna fail... realli dun understand a single shit asked k, n i dun understand wat i wrote either... how to pass? wahahaha...
then had my rtm presentation on tues... i dunno y but i felt realli great after the presentation... mayb coz i can finally put down my burden? lol... n i dun tink brenda will fail anybody, lest he/she dun talk at all?
brenda came into our class b4 the business law ica tutorial... she said alot of bullshit, to summarise up everything... she came in to apologise to our class... lol.... n robin re-enact the whole scene for the benefit of those who missed n for entertaining us.... i am so glad to hav robin as a classmate... such a funni n nice guy....
then had my biz law ica... books say we r honourable pple so we won't cheat, rite? then he told us to separate our tables lor... say so much for wat? dun trust us also wat... n i admit i'm not honourable... lol... was looking at ming's answer lor... haha... had some kinda mini discussion too...
then today i had my ah-nor-neh(jappy) lesson.. so fun today.... i dunno y but felt so high during her lessons... then wanna bon biz law lec de... then ming wanna wait for qi, her lessons ends at 5... then ming say 5 can go outta the class le, n she made plans n even left her bag in the locker...
guess wat? the lecture tt's suppose to end at 6, ends at 4.34pm... barely 20mins after she starts... she seems tt she's realli in a super big rush lor... wahahaha...
then went home wif xx, cheryl n leen... crapping on the train... all the way back home... lol... so fun... n i still haben decide wat to gif cheryl for her bday leh... wat shall i get for this "chao ah lian" huh? hehehe.... how bout some pub's free entrance tix? is there such a thing? lol... she always like those blings blings tt i buy.... can get some blings blings for her bah...
yup! tt settles it.... if u peeps hab any suggestions, pls tell mi k... hehe...
signing off: b*tch of the day... vAn3
i'm feeling kind bitchy these days AGAIN... most probbably getting too much stuffs into my head these days...
irritators... pple who irritates the shit outta u... coincidently, i noe a couple of them... n 1 is my (close fren)'s close fren... pardon the pun... kinda hate her lor... n her voice is soo soo soo irritating, behaving like a auntie... talks crudely.... call one of my best fren on the eartn a chicken... wat the hell is that suppose to mean huh? then wat's she? a fuckable chicken? jus dissed mi off by everything she does, says n farts outta her mouth... wateva... shan't waste my efforts on such a uncouth being who's wasting oxygen on earth...
ps: end of explicit message...
hmmm... haben been blogging these days hor? can't blame mi, blame it on my com... giving mi troubles again... dunno if it's spyware, trojan horse or worms... jus blame it on my luck lor... also, been kinda busy wif icas too... yah, i noe dunch study but tinking of how to get minimal marks out of the maxim crap tt i gonna write is taxing k... lol...
had marketing management ica on monday... i am so gonna fail... realli dun understand a single shit asked k, n i dun understand wat i wrote either... how to pass? wahahaha...
then had my rtm presentation on tues... i dunno y but i felt realli great after the presentation... mayb coz i can finally put down my burden? lol... n i dun tink brenda will fail anybody, lest he/she dun talk at all?
brenda came into our class b4 the business law ica tutorial... she said alot of bullshit, to summarise up everything... she came in to apologise to our class... lol.... n robin re-enact the whole scene for the benefit of those who missed n for entertaining us.... i am so glad to hav robin as a classmate... such a funni n nice guy....
then had my biz law ica... books say we r honourable pple so we won't cheat, rite? then he told us to separate our tables lor... say so much for wat? dun trust us also wat... n i admit i'm not honourable... lol... was looking at ming's answer lor... haha... had some kinda mini discussion too...
then today i had my ah-nor-neh(jappy) lesson.. so fun today.... i dunno y but felt so high during her lessons... then wanna bon biz law lec de... then ming wanna wait for qi, her lessons ends at 5... then ming say 5 can go outta the class le, n she made plans n even left her bag in the locker...
guess wat? the lecture tt's suppose to end at 6, ends at 4.34pm... barely 20mins after she starts... she seems tt she's realli in a super big rush lor... wahahaha...
then went home wif xx, cheryl n leen... crapping on the train... all the way back home... lol... so fun... n i still haben decide wat to gif cheryl for her bday leh... wat shall i get for this "chao ah lian" huh? hehehe.... how bout some pub's free entrance tix? is there such a thing? lol... she always like those blings blings tt i buy.... can get some blings blings for her bah...
yup! tt settles it.... if u peeps hab any suggestions, pls tell mi k... hehe...
signing off: b*tch of the day... vAn3
posted by van3 at 9:28:00 PM
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