back from hiatus... miss mi?

Monday, August 29

i took more than 2 mths break from this blogosphere, reasons being:
1) was busy with schoolwork
2) was cramped with projects
3) lotsa presentations to prepare and do
4) things din quite went my way and alot of cropped-ups
5) poor very poor time management
6) i type very slow
7) i'm just plain lazy
8) do i still need to explain further?

*doe-eyed staring into space* times flies...

in a blink of an eye, it's been 2 mths... and 3 days... since i last blogged!

in a blink of an eye, zuz and leeny and ruth and cheryl finally turned 19 !

in a blink of an eye, i haven't gone out with my friends for quite long liao...

in a blink of an eye, george and i have been together more than 5 mths... i told zuz jus now and he's like "fwoah! so fast hor?!" okie, expressions have been alittle exaggerated but that's wat he meant.

yes, time flies and before i know it or we all know it... one of my friends maybe getting married soon! muahaha... i dun really think so... but, nevermind.

oh yes, before i digress any further...

support this charity
++ Tulip Hearts Day '05 ++ on 4th Sept ! Must SUPPORT!!! they'll be at different locations selling cute little tulips in different colours; and it's just $2 per stalk, at least buy 1 hor. if dunno who to give, u can *ahem* give *ahem* mi. *^.^*

maybe i should volunteer and help them sell? it's on sunday and i'm not working on that sunday... hee hee... anyone wanna join mi? georgie? *hint hint* pls... *blink blink blin

shall decide soon...

gtg, i promise i'll blog tml... okie, i dun promise coz promises can be broken... there's quite a high possibility that i'll blog again tml nite k...

till then... muacks!

posted by van3 at 4:28:00 AM | Permalink |

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About me

vanessa is a 20 years old bitch who is happily in love now with her georgie.
loves to sleep all day long, daydream, watch teevee, hang out with her frens, chat on msn, and make out with her a dog named april and drop her a mail at if u wanna know more.

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Things to plan...

  • a few gatherings
  • my 21st bday
  • baby's 21st bday
  • our holiday getaway
  • our diving course
  • activities to take up


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