hmmm.... so sianz ah... now is term break lor... but like no term break liddat leh... gotta do projects:
- biz finance
- efma
- rtm
- mm
- ict applications
- biz law
buay tahan ah... i can feel my white hairs growing intensely now... last had this kinda eeling in pri6 lor... oh yah, tml is teachers' day le wor... miss my teachers so much, especially my pri sch teacher... felt so bad... always no go back find her de lor... i so bad hor... *bIsH mYsElF, mYsElF* i still wish that my teacherS can enjoy this day that is specially dedicated to them... HaPpI TeAcHeRs' DaY !!! (early de) lol...
yday went to TEMPUS – The Great Watchscapade..... the cheapest watch i saw was a freaking $6,600 lor... n esther was woha-ing on how much the most expensive watch is... n the value of house it can buy... lol... buay tahan lor... lol... i like cartier n bvlgari watches for their exqusitive n simple designs... simplicity rocks... okie la, deco wif those +bLiNgs bLiNgS+ de la... lol...
today went to sch to do project, so sianz... so diff to do lor... dunno anything about biz finance at all lor... never realised tt the mabel-lookalike tutor teaches such complex stuffs... wahahaha... kkz, gotta go now... coz i'm bitching wif zu0 on the phone n i haben do the report of the business finance (partII of report : INDUSTRY RESEARCH)...